Reviewing a shareholders deed of the target company.

If you are asked to review a shareholders’ deed, here's a checklist that you can use when reviewing this document in the context of a proposed acquisition of the target company by a buyer:

Shareholders' Deed Review Checklist:

  1. Parties:

    • Identify all the shareholders listed as parties to the agreement.

    • Determine if the buyer or any of its affiliates is already a party to the agreement.

  2. Governance and Board Representation:

    • Note the shareholders who have the right to appoint directors to the board.

    • Check the number of directors each shareholder can appoint.

    • Assess if the buyer will have adequate representation on the board after the acquisition.

  3. Share Transfer Restrictions:

    • Carefully review the restrictions on transferring, disposing, or dealing with shares in the company.

    • Identify if the proposed acquisition will trigger any of these restrictions.

    • Understand the exceptions to the restrictions, if any.

    • Evaluate the impact of these restrictions on the buyer's ability to acquire the desired stake.

  4. Decision-making:

    • Review the provisions related to decision-making processes within the company.

    • Determine if certain decisions require unanimous shareholder approval or special majorities.

    • Assess if the buyer will have sufficient voting rights or control to make critical decisions after the acquisition.

  5. Miscellaneous:

    • Note the governing law of the agreement.

    • Check for any other relevant provisions, such as dispute resolution mechanisms, confidentiality clauses, or termination clauses.

  6. Effective Date and Expiration:

    • Verify the effective date of the agreement.

    • Check if the agreement has an expiration date or a term.

    • Confirm that the agreement is currently in force and legally binding.

  7. Amendments or Modifications:

    • Identify if the agreement has been amended or modified since its execution.

    • Review any amendments or modifications to understand their impact.

  8. Consistency with Other Documents:

    • Cross-check the information and provisions in the Shareholders' Deed with other relevant documents, such as the company's articles of association or bylaws.

    • Ensure consistency and identify any potential conflicts or discrepancies.

  9. Impact on the Proposed Acquisition:

    • Assess the overall impact of the Shareholders' Deed on the proposed acquisition.

    • Identify any potential roadblocks, risks, or issues that may need to be addressed or negotiated.

    • Determine if any provisions need to be amended or renegotiated to facilitate the acquisition.

Remember, this checklist is a starting point. During the actual review process, you may need to adapt or expand the checklist to address any additional considerations or specific requirements of the proposed acquisition.